horse times magazine
Horse Times is a 3 issue a year Equine magazine. That is distributed through Virginia, Maryland & West Virginia. Covering events, stories, issues and advertisers in the horse world. Horse Times is Free. With a subscriber base and distribution of 5000 magazines over a 400 square mile area. Servicing hundreds of farms and boarding stables.
Our advertising is multi-layered and includes far more punch for your buck than just an ad in a magazine. You are included on our website. In our social media. That includes Facebook posts, Instagrams picts and Tweets. About your business or farm. You can also have banners included, in any, of our monthly and yearly events.
We offer many areas in the magazine to showcase you and your ads. Front & Back Covers. Inside and outside are available. Preferred placement in the magazine is also available. Articles about your business products or services. Stories and pictures, about your non-profit organization or farm.
Horse Times readers are middle to upperclass and are involved in multi facets of the horse industry. Our magazines are distributed in horse related businesses, farm equipment locations, farm markets, wineries, restaurants, libraries and feed & seed stores. The digital version is available at our website and at many other horse organization websites.
​The advertising is broken down as a Cover Picture, Article, Full Page, Half Page (vertical & horizontal), a Third and a Quarter Page, a Sixth Page and our smallest. A Twelfth Page (vertical & horizontal). We have special rates on Full Page ads for Clubs, Prize Lists, Fox Hunts, Event Venues and Organizations.