Serving Northern Virginia
The Shenandoah Valley
A Touch of West Virginia
A Hint of Maryland
ABOUT horse times
Horse Times is a 3 issue a year Equine magazine. That is distributed through Virginia, Maryland & West Virginia. Covering Events, Prizes, Stories, Issues and Advertisers in the horse world and our local area.. Horse Times is Free. With a subscriber base and distribution of 5000 magazines over a 400 square mile area. Servicing hundreds of farms and boarding stables.

meet the team
Bryan Fleming
art director
Head of Fleming Design & Sound. Bryan has over 20 years in the advertising field. Working with Ad Agencies, Design Firms, In-House Art Departments and dozens of Fortune 500 companies with custom designs. He has had his share of graphic work. Including a few magazines. Plus being the Art DIrector of the Golf Guide Magazine for 7 years. Bryan is the Publisher and Art Director of Horse Times. Filling the pages with all the color.
shannon OTT
head writer
Shannon is well versed in her writings as our head writer and editor. Finding the interesting stories and covering the events. That line the Horse Times pages. Shannon is also the Executive Director of the Shenandoah Valley Equine Rescue Network. A non-profit organization that takes in seized horses, rehabilitates them and finds them new homes. The rescue is in it's 10th year of saving horses.
Georgia andrews
advertising director
Also an accomplished Family law Attorney, Georgia has been in the horse world and non-profit business for a long time. Georgia took over SVERN,
a horse rescue network, that was on the verge of closing. Which has now taken in, rehabilitated and adopted out dozens of horses. At Horse Times. Georgia is our Advertising Director. Selling ads to raise money for the horses.